Netflix & Chill: Quarantine Edition

Scener’s like Netflix Party 2.0. It’s pretty much the same thing, BUT you can connect different streaming services like: Hulu, Disney+, and Prime Video. Also, instead of just a chat box you can actually video chat, and in my opinion this makes it feel more normal.

+ We Summon the Darkness Movie Review 

So I absolutely love watching movies, and now that it’s Spooky Season I especially love to watch scary movies. Movies are always more fun to watch with friends or significant others (also I’m too chicken to watch horror movies by myself) so being 1,000 miles away from my close friends (plus the pandemic and quarantine) makes it hard to do that. Thanks to TikTok (I learn so much from it honestly) I found an awesome way to watch movies with my friends and feel like we’re actually in the same room! 

Scener A.K.A. The Greatest Invention Ever

If you’ve ever heard of Netflix Party, Scener is very similar to that. In fact, my friends and I used to use Netflix Party a lot in the early stages of quarantine, but there were some issues with connection and it only allowed you to use a chat box to talk with one another. Scener’s like Netflix Party 2.0. It’s pretty much the same thing, BUT you can connect different streaming services like: Hulu, Disney+, and Prime Video. Also, instead of just a chat box you can actually video chat, and in my opinion this makes it feel more normal. You can go to the website to start your own theater! It’s super easy to use even for someone who’s not tech savvy. Plus there’s even a Google Chrome extension so it’s always ready for your movie nights. Highly suggest using this to spend quality time with friends, family, or significant others, whether it’s long distance or COVID that’s keeping you apart, this is a great way to connect and be intentional!

We had the lights off so you can’t see our faces well, but the video chat is in the sidebar along with a chatbox. For best experience use headphones to prevent echoing while allowing everyone to talk.

We Summon the Darkness Movie Review 

The movie my friend, Megan, and I decided to watch was We Summon the Darkness on Netflix. Released in April of this year, directed by Mark Myers, this movie stars Alexandra Daddario, Maddie Hasson, and Amy Forsyth. It follows three close girl friends on a roadtrip to a heavy-metal concert who get caught up in a satanic ritual that’s been the cause of multiple murders in the area. Honestly, this movie was very different than what I expected. If you’re looking for a “hide under your blankets, keep the light on” horror movie you might want to pass. It has a more satiric feel to the film, there’s definitely some suspense and a few plots twists that kept me interested but I wasn’t spooked. Megan says the acting was sub-par, a little awkward in some scenes, but overall okay. I will say it kept my attention for the total 1 hr and 30 min and there was enough action and strength to the storyline that I did enjoy it. I’d rate this a 7/10, wasn’t what I was expecting but still provided good entertainment. Would recommend giving it a watch. 

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