Chaos Walking Movie Review

This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.

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This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.


Boy, was I right. The movie takes place in a dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each other’s thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise. “The Noise is a man unfiltered, and without a filter, a man is just chaos walking.” This quote opens up the movie and honestly captures the film in the perfect way. 

The movie begins in a small village on New World, only inhabited by men, when a woman crash lands on the planet from her spaceship. Being the only woman, Viola’s (Ridley) life is threatened and young villager Todd Hewitt (Holland) promises to keep her safe. The story then follows the two as they seek refuge and safety.

We eventually learn that there were in fact women on this planet, but they were all killed off by the original habitants, or aliens to us. However, it comes to light that the mayor and priest of the small village actually looked down on the women because their thoughts weren’t visible. This made them think the women were soulless and weak. I find this interesting, because I think it gives the women an edge. Usually, on Earth, women are constantly at a disadvantage and this factor levels the playing field on this new planet. 

I can see this type of genre becoming big: a journey to a new world because Earth is becoming or already is uninhabitable. Take Wall-E, Passengers, or upcoming movie Voyagers for example. It’s a very interesting story line and one lots of people have actually thought about happening. 

I was slightly disappointed because Nick Jonas’ character, David Prentiss, didn’t get as much screen time as I thought he would. He played the villain, which is new for Jonas. He typically takes parts where he’s the hero or good guy. I did like this contrast though and thought he did an excellent job.

Overall: WOAH. 10/10. Chaos Walking kept me intrigued, because as an audience we were never given a true backstory about the New World: why it is and how it came to be. It leaves room for a sequel but the ending wraps it up as a stand alone film. I was on edge the whole time, and didn’t know what would happen next. It’s a very unique storyline and I appreciated that. 

Chaos Walking is only streaming in theaters, so if you have the chance- GO SEE IT! You won’t regret it.

Have you seen Chaos Walking? What’re your thoughts? Thumbs up, thumbs down?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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My Current Workout Routine | 2021

I want to focus on getting healthy and not just getting skinny. I want the gym to be a place I love going to and a time for me to focus on myself. If you’re looking to do the same or looking for some workout inspo, look no further! Today, I’ll be breaking down my current workout split.

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Hello friends! I am back with another fun fitness post! As I mentioned in my 2021 Resolutions post, one of my goals this year is to get in shape. I want to focus on getting healthy and not just getting skinny. I want the gym to be a place I love going to and a time for me to focus on myself. 

If you’re looking to do the same or looking for some workout inspo, look no further! Today, I’ll be breaking down my current workout split, so without further ado… let’s get into it!

  1. Monday 
    • Legs
      • Leg press, leg extension, leg curl, hip abductor/adductor
    • Cardio
      • 30 min on the treadmill, 2.5 speed, 10.5 incline
  2. Tuesday
    • Abs
      • Russian twists, reverse crunches, side crunches, leg raises, 20 sec plank 
    • Back
      • Rear-delt, lateral pulldown, back row, back extension
    • Cardio
      • 30 min on the treadmill, 2.5 speed, 10.5 incline
  3. Wednesday
    • Upper body
      • Bicep curl, chest fly, chest press, overhead press, tricep press
    • Cardio
      • 30 min on the treadmill, 2.5 speed, 10.5 incline
  4. Thursday
    • Legs
      • Leg press, leg extension, leg curl, hip abductor/adductor
    • Abs
      • Russian twists, reverse crunches, side crunches, leg raises, 20 sec plank
    • Cardio
      • 30 min on the treadmill, 2.5 speed, 10.5 incline
  5. Friday/Saturday/Sunday
    • REST

For every exercise, I do 3 sets x 15 reps.

I planned out this split so I can ease myself back into exercising without burning myself out. To be completely transparent, sometimes I’ll skip my 4th day. The combination of hitting legs/abs earlier in the week + still being a newbie: I’m beat by Thursday. 

I used to feel super bad about missing a workout, but I know it’s so important to let your body rest. Do your best, but make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard! You got this!

What’s your workout split? Favorite exercises? Recommended exercises?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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My First Week Doing the 80 Day Six Fix

Two of my friends also shared this video with me and I thought, “You know, I think this is something I can actually set my mind to and form some new, healthy habits.” So I wrote all the goals down in my notes app, tweaked them to my lifestyle, and set my intention to start Monday the 12th.

I was on TikTok about a week ago and saw this girl, Ally Henky, make a video about there only being 80 days left in the year- WHAT?? So, she wanted to create a challenge, similar to the 75 Day Hard (but not as difficult, haha), to end the year right. Two of my friends also shared this video with me and I thought, “You know, I think this is something I can actually set my mind to and form some new, healthy habits.” So I wrote all the goals down in my notes app, tweaked them to my lifestyle, and set my intention to start Monday the 12th. 


Like the 75 hard…but different! WHO IS IN!?!?!? Let me know in the comments!!! #razrfit #homeworkout #emilyinparis #oikosonetrip #levitating

♬ original sound – Ally Henky

The Challenge

Ally laid out six different goals to complete every day- hence the 80 Day Six Fix.

  1. Make your bed every day- the concept is if you have a bad day and come home to a made bed, something went right.
  2. Drink a gallon of water a day.
    • I decided to set alarms, 3 hours apart, throughout the day as reminders to drink my water. I have a 32 oz water bottle, so I need to drink 4 of those to equal a gallon. When the alarm goes off if I haven’t finished my water, I’ll chug what’s remaining, fill it back up and be ready to drink that for the next 3 hours. 
  3. Fuel your body- follow some sort of diet or eating plan.
    • I set my goal to eat 1500 calories a day because I want to lose weight. I use my Fitbit app to record the food I eat and stay on track. Lifesum is another good app if you don’t have a Fitbit. 
  4. 10 minutes a day to be still- meditate, pray, give thanks.
    • I set the intention to use this time to spend with God: praying and giving thanks. Then if I can’t think of anything else to say, I’ll just stay silent and listen.
  5. Exercise 5x a week- crossfit class, walks, yoga, etc.: 30 minutes a day at least.
    • I want to ease myself back into exercising (let’s be honest, quarantine really messed up everyone’s routines so I’ve been super off my game) so I decided my exercise will be a daily 30 minute walk.
  6. 10,000 steps a day- forces you to get outside.
    • I’m gonna be honest, I hardly ever get 10,000 steps a day, even when I was living on campus and walking everywhere. So, to be realistic with this goal I’ve changed it to 8,000 steps. 

First Week Completed! (Thoughts and Reflection)

I was pretty hyped to get started Monday, so I was feeling extra motivated. As soon as I got up I made my bed which put me in a good mindset for the day, it helped me realize there were things to do and I couldn’t lay around all day. Monday was my cleaning/laundry/running errands day, so I was already moving around quite a bit. I was keeping track of my water and food intake well, staying on track. Heads up, you’re gonna be going to the bathroom a LOT. I went for an evening walk, since that’s when the weather started to cool off (thank you Texas). My neighborhood is really nice, so I loved getting outside and seeing it in a new way. Also, everyone has their Halloween decorations up so it was cool seeing how each house was decorated differently. Going on the walk helped me get a majority of my steps in. From there I just made a point to go up and down the stairs more often or just get up and walk around the house. 

I felt so good checking off each goal that I couldn’t wait until the next day to do it again. Each day I felt I was getting more used to the schedule and routine I was building for myself that it was a given I needed to do those things. I will say by Thursday, it was harder to get up in the morning, I was a bit more groggy and my body was a little more sore from the increased activity, but overall I still felt good. I’m so proud of myself for completing the first week and sticking to my goals. I’m excited to continue this challenge through the end of the year and see how these habits begin to stick and solidify in my everyday life. 

I really like this challenge over others, because it’s focusing on creating habits rather than a crash diet or lifestyle that isn’t sustainable. The goals aren’t hard, but they are making me more aware of changes I need to make everyday.  I’m loving the change I’m already feeling within myself, I have more energy and motivation to get things done throughout the day and I feel happier and brighter. I think my favorite goal within the six is being still. This isn’t something that comes easy for a lot of us, but it makes you intentional about slowing down in the midst of the craziness and becoming aware of your surroundings.

Even though the first week has already passed, think about joining me and we can keep each other accountable! Challenges like this are best to do with a buddy, someone who you can talk to about it and keep you on track. 

Is this something you’re interested in trying? Is there a friend you can get to join you? What are some healthy habits you want to put in place? What was your favorite goal out of the six?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form!

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week.

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Treat Yourself

I sat in the movie theater, by myself, and had the best time! I loved getting to watch a new movie (this was the first since quarantine began, of course being COVID-friendly) and loved having some quality “me” time, it’s good for the soul!

I don’t know about you, but I love being around people. Whenever I want to try a new restaurant, see a new movie, or a new activity I’d rather do it with people – it’s more fun that way! Since being in Texas, I haven’t made any new friends yet, which isn’t the greatest for an outgoing person like myself. I decided that I want to use this time to challenge myself to do more things alone. That word is so scary – a l o n e. Who likes to be alone? But I knew this would be good for me and push me to be able to try even more things, since I wouldn’t have to wait on anyone else. 

I got an email from AMC Theaters that TENET early access was showing. I love movies, plus I had a giftcard, what a perfect way to ease myself into this new independent life. So I bought my ticket and drove to the movies on a clear Monday afternoon. The best part about this theater is that they serve dinner during the show, two-for-one. I ordered loaded tater tots (YUM) and an Angry Orchard. 

I sat in the movie theater, by myself, and had the best time! I loved getting to watch a new movie (this was the first since quarantine began, of course being COVID-friendly) and loved having some quality “me” time, it’s good for the soul! Honestly, I realized the best date you’ll ever have is yourself. She’ll always pay for your meals, treat you right, and even give ya some compliments, hehe. 

So if you’ve ever been nervous to do something by yourself, speaking from experience, DO IT. Learning to love yourself is so important and this is a great first step. Get all dolled up, pick an activity to do, and take yourself on that date! You deserve it.

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