Chaos Walking Movie Review

This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.

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This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.


Boy, was I right. The movie takes place in a dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each other’s thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise. “The Noise is a man unfiltered, and without a filter, a man is just chaos walking.” This quote opens up the movie and honestly captures the film in the perfect way. 

The movie begins in a small village on New World, only inhabited by men, when a woman crash lands on the planet from her spaceship. Being the only woman, Viola’s (Ridley) life is threatened and young villager Todd Hewitt (Holland) promises to keep her safe. The story then follows the two as they seek refuge and safety.

We eventually learn that there were in fact women on this planet, but they were all killed off by the original habitants, or aliens to us. However, it comes to light that the mayor and priest of the small village actually looked down on the women because their thoughts weren’t visible. This made them think the women were soulless and weak. I find this interesting, because I think it gives the women an edge. Usually, on Earth, women are constantly at a disadvantage and this factor levels the playing field on this new planet. 

I can see this type of genre becoming big: a journey to a new world because Earth is becoming or already is uninhabitable. Take Wall-E, Passengers, or upcoming movie Voyagers for example. It’s a very interesting story line and one lots of people have actually thought about happening. 

I was slightly disappointed because Nick Jonas’ character, David Prentiss, didn’t get as much screen time as I thought he would. He played the villain, which is new for Jonas. He typically takes parts where he’s the hero or good guy. I did like this contrast though and thought he did an excellent job.

Overall: WOAH. 10/10. Chaos Walking kept me intrigued, because as an audience we were never given a true backstory about the New World: why it is and how it came to be. It leaves room for a sequel but the ending wraps it up as a stand alone film. I was on edge the whole time, and didn’t know what would happen next. It’s a very unique storyline and I appreciated that. 

Chaos Walking is only streaming in theaters, so if you have the chance- GO SEE IT! You won’t regret it.

Have you seen Chaos Walking? What’re your thoughts? Thumbs up, thumbs down?

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Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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January TV Favorites!

In honor of January coming to an end I wanted to recap my TV favorites: all the tv shows I’m currently watching/re-watching or binged during January.

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Happy February friends! Holy cow, I can’t believe it’s already February. Usually January feels soooo long, but honestly this year it flew. I’m ready for a new month and a new chance to better myself! But, in honor of January coming to an end I wanted to recap my TV favorites: all the tv shows I’m currently watching/re-watching or binged during January. 

Let’s get into it!

  1. Schitt’s Creek
    • Rewatching
    • This is my comfort show right now so I always have it playing.
    • 10/10
  2. The Vampire Diaries
    • Rewatching 
    • This is my second time through. A lot has happened that I forgot about. I sometimes feel like I’m watching it for the first time, haha. 
    • 9/10
  3. The Bachelor 
    • Currently watching, I’m not sure what season this is (there have been so many, lol)
    • I’m a Bachelor fanatic, but this season definitely isn’t my favorite, hopefully it gets better with less drama.
    • 5/10
  4. LA’s Finest
    • Binged
    • Sadly, it was cancelled after 2 seasons and Netflix is only streaming the first season, but it was really good! 
    • 8/10
  5. WandaVision
    • Currently watching
    • AHHH, this show is SO good! Since I just finished rewatching all the Marvel movies, this is giving me my “Marvel” fix. Love it.
    • 20/10
  6. Riverdale
    • Currently watching
    • I believe this is season 5. Honestly, at this point I’m keeping up with the show out of loyalty and not so much interest. HOWEVER, it still has really good parts and I’m super excited for the 5 year time jump.
    • 6.5/10
  7. Legacies
    • Currently watching
    • Season 3. Legacies holds a special place in my heart because I love The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
    • 8/10
  8. Upload
    • Binged
    • Holy cow, this show is soo good. I can’t wait for season 2. For any The Office lovers, this show was created by Greg Daniels and he didn’t disappoint.
    • 10/10
  9. The Good Place
    • Currently binging
    • This follows the afterlife storyline similar to Upload and was also created by The Office’s Michael Schur. Super into this one, I honestly never know what to expect next.
    • 10/10

What TV shows were you binging in January?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form!

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

1BR Movie Review

A couple weeks ago I watched 1BR, it recently came out on Netflix, and my mind was blown. This movie was not at all what I was expecting. Recently, I’ve been adding movies to my list on Netflix without even watching the trailer, so I’m clueless when it starts but it makes for a better movie experience because I have no prior thoughts or predictions ready.

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Happy Monday guys! This is my last wacky post, before I get back on my normal posting schedule on Fridays.

So as I’ve talked about before, I absolutely love watching movies, especially with friends, and I really enjoy scary movies. A couple weeks ago I watched 1BR with my friend Ashleigh, it recently came out on Netflix, and my mind was blown. This movie was not at all what I was expecting. Recently, I’ve been adding movies to my list on Netflix without even watching the trailer, so I’m clueless when it starts but it makes for a better experience because I have no prior thoughts or predictions ready. 


When I first saw the poster for the movie, I honestly thought the girl was getting haunted in her apartment and was intrigued how this would play out. Boy was I wrong, this movie had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I never knew what was gonna happen next or how the ending would play out. It’s fun being able to guess how a movie will end and being right, but it’s even better when you’re wrong and you’re left speechless. That’s how I felt after finishing 1BR.

Sarah, the protagonist, moves to Los Angeles for a fresh start. She begins looking for an apartment to officially get settled into her new life and comes across a 1 bedroom within a surprisingly friendly and welcoming community. Sarah discovers this community is frighteningly too close-knit and there are consequences for rule breakers.

Breakdown + My Thoughts (Spoilers!)

The movie opens up with a look into an apartment complex, panning over the faces of people that live there. The neighbors are all friendly- waving and welcoming you. The next scene is a young girl, Sarah, attending an open house at this same apartment complex. She’s looking to make a new life for herself, moved across the country and is starting over. She doesn’t have much, only her cat, no friends or family, and is staying in a motel for the time-being. 

Her application for the apartment gets approved and she moves in. She quickly finds out it’s not all it seems, the plumbing keeps her awake at night, she hears noises, and she gets a threat about her cat (which she secretly has, because of the “no pet” policy) saying she needs to get rid of it. 

She befriends a coworker at her temp job and she comes over for dinner. They talk about the possibility of moving in together and how “this is your fucking life,” and not to let anyone take advantage of you or make you feel less than. 

This is when the movie takes a turn, but mind you it’s only 30 minutes in so you can only imagine how crazier it gets. It’s slowly revealed that the complex and neighbors are a part of a cult and they begin to brainwash Sarah through physical torture. Eventually, she continues to move through the screening and process of becoming an official member. At one point there’s a scene of the neighbors smiling faces, reflecting the opening scene, but this time you know the horrors of why they’re so happy- a contrast to what it appears to be. 

Sarah eventually finds a way to escape, but when she leaves, it’s almost as unsettling as being inside. 

After Sarah escapes, setting off the alarm within her building, she stares down a long road of other apartments with red alarms also buzzing- announcing her escape. This shows how many other complexes are a part of the cult. Once this realization sets in, Sarah begins to run down the road (presumably to her freedom) and the movie ends.

Very similar to the ending in The Invitation– in the beginning of this movie, the people involved in the cult light a red lamp outside in their backyard. Once the main couple escapes their cultic encounter, they see on the hills of the city many red lamps in backyards- signaling all the different people involved in the cult. 

I liked this movie a lot because it doesn’t end in complete resolution, it leaves you to wonder a little- does she eventually get away and find help, or does the cult find her and bring her back? Sometimes I don’t like when movies end this way, but in this case, you have more room to imagine. 

10/10 I would highly recommend seeing this movie. It’s scary without the jumps and spikes of adrenaline. It’s unsettling, and makes you think about how people can be so easily brainwashed into a life like this. You aren’t able to guess the ending, which keeps your attention throughout the film, and there’s always something happening that keeps you intrigued. 

Even though I did give away the ending, I hope you still watch it! There’s plenty more detail I didn’t include, and the cinematics bring everything together in an intense way that can only be truly experienced by watching.

Have you watched 1BR? What were your thoughts? Did you like/dislike the ending?

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Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week.

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Netflix & Chill: Quarantine Edition

Scener’s like Netflix Party 2.0. It’s pretty much the same thing, BUT you can connect different streaming services like: Hulu, Disney+, and Prime Video. Also, instead of just a chat box you can actually video chat, and in my opinion this makes it feel more normal.

+ We Summon the Darkness Movie Review 

So I absolutely love watching movies, and now that it’s Spooky Season I especially love to watch scary movies. Movies are always more fun to watch with friends or significant others (also I’m too chicken to watch horror movies by myself) so being 1,000 miles away from my close friends (plus the pandemic and quarantine) makes it hard to do that. Thanks to TikTok (I learn so much from it honestly) I found an awesome way to watch movies with my friends and feel like we’re actually in the same room! 

Scener A.K.A. The Greatest Invention Ever

If you’ve ever heard of Netflix Party, Scener is very similar to that. In fact, my friends and I used to use Netflix Party a lot in the early stages of quarantine, but there were some issues with connection and it only allowed you to use a chat box to talk with one another. Scener’s like Netflix Party 2.0. It’s pretty much the same thing, BUT you can connect different streaming services like: Hulu, Disney+, and Prime Video. Also, instead of just a chat box you can actually video chat, and in my opinion this makes it feel more normal. You can go to the website to start your own theater! It’s super easy to use even for someone who’s not tech savvy. Plus there’s even a Google Chrome extension so it’s always ready for your movie nights. Highly suggest using this to spend quality time with friends, family, or significant others, whether it’s long distance or COVID that’s keeping you apart, this is a great way to connect and be intentional!

We had the lights off so you can’t see our faces well, but the video chat is in the sidebar along with a chatbox. For best experience use headphones to prevent echoing while allowing everyone to talk.

We Summon the Darkness Movie Review 

The movie my friend, Megan, and I decided to watch was We Summon the Darkness on Netflix. Released in April of this year, directed by Mark Myers, this movie stars Alexandra Daddario, Maddie Hasson, and Amy Forsyth. It follows three close girl friends on a roadtrip to a heavy-metal concert who get caught up in a satanic ritual that’s been the cause of multiple murders in the area. Honestly, this movie was very different than what I expected. If you’re looking for a “hide under your blankets, keep the light on” horror movie you might want to pass. It has a more satiric feel to the film, there’s definitely some suspense and a few plots twists that kept me interested but I wasn’t spooked. Megan says the acting was sub-par, a little awkward in some scenes, but overall okay. I will say it kept my attention for the total 1 hr and 30 min and there was enough action and strength to the storyline that I did enjoy it. I’d rate this a 7/10, wasn’t what I was expecting but still provided good entertainment. Would recommend giving it a watch. 

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TENET Movie Review

Ya’ll! This movie is CRAZY! I haven’t seen a movie that’s so in depth it’s hard to understand. I kid you not, the majority of the movie my mouth was open and I was like “Huh?” But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t good!

Ya’ll! This movie is CRAZY! I haven’t seen a movie that’s so in depth it’s hard to understand. I kid you not, the majority of the movie my mouth was open and I was like “Huh?” But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t good! I would definitely recommend taking a trip to see this movie and then again because you’ll have a better understanding. 

If you’ve ever seen Inception, you know what I mean. The first time I saw that movie I felt the same way. Confused, but intrigued and by the end things starting clicking into place. When I saw it a second time I understood it better because I had more time to process the events that took place. 

This movie stars John David Washington, Robert Pattinson (my favorite), and Elizabeth Debicki. It follows a secret agent trying to prevent World War III. However, the big element within the movie is time travel. And not your basic run-of-the-mill time travel, but inverted time travel. Have you ever taken a video and then played it backwards? That’s what I mean by inverted. It really messes with your mind when you’re watching it. 

Another reason to watch this movie – Robert Pattinson. I’ve loved him since his Twilight days, and man he only got better with age. This more serious role suited him well, and I hope he does more films like this in the future. Plus, who doesn’t love looking at him? He’s beautiful. And that smile? Ugh. 

9/10 rating from me. It kept me interested with the story line and action, but I’m definitely going to have to watch it again to get a full understanding from beginning to end. Would recommend.

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