Life Update!

WOAH. Hi friends! It has been WAY too long. Life has been a little crazy, but so so good. I figured it would be fun for me to give ya’ll a life update since I haven’t posted about myself for a while. 

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WOAH. Hi friends! It has been WAY too long. Life has been a little crazy, but so so good. I figured it would be fun for me to give ya’ll a life update since I haven’t posted about myself for a while. 

In March I landed a full-time job as a Staff Accountant for a Fund Administration firm. Pretty much doing a mix of accounting and data entry for companies that work with investments. It’s ALL remote which I’m loving, and the company is so great. They were actually founded as a remote company so they were ahead of the game when Covid hit. They’re experts at WFH so I get a good balance of communicating with my team and not feeling too secluded during the day. 

I just went home to Ohio to visit in April and that was wonderful. I got to see so many friends and family and catch up with a lot of people. It’s so good getting to be home, I definitely missed it a lot and am already planning my next trip back, haha. I had a spa day with my mama, a day in CLE with my cousin, hit up the ol’ country bar for some line dancing, visited my alma mater and ate SO much good food. It was honestly rough coming back to work after all that. 

Annnnnnd, just about two weeks ago I bought a new car! Well, certified pre-owned. She’s a 2019 Chevy Equinox named Edna. She’s a beaut I’ll tell ya. I’m so blessed, I had my list of all the features I wanted and I got all that and MORE. This is the biggest purchase I’ve made… ever, lol. It felt so good getting to buy myself something so nice. Especially after working so hard to get a good job and save save save. 

In short, life is wonderful but chaotic in the best way. I’ve checked off two big goals for the year and can’t wait to keep going. I’m hoping to find a good posting schedule that isn’t too overwhelming with work, so bear with me as I figure this out. 

I hope you all are doing GREAT, and I’m hoping to have another post come out very SOON! If you have any ideas of things you’d like to see please let me know! I’m always looking for inspiration. 

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support!

January TV Favorites!

In honor of January coming to an end I wanted to recap my TV favorites: all the tv shows I’m currently watching/re-watching or binged during January.

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Happy February friends! Holy cow, I can’t believe it’s already February. Usually January feels soooo long, but honestly this year it flew. I’m ready for a new month and a new chance to better myself! But, in honor of January coming to an end I wanted to recap my TV favorites: all the tv shows I’m currently watching/re-watching or binged during January. 

Let’s get into it!

  1. Schitt’s Creek
    • Rewatching
    • This is my comfort show right now so I always have it playing.
    • 10/10
  2. The Vampire Diaries
    • Rewatching 
    • This is my second time through. A lot has happened that I forgot about. I sometimes feel like I’m watching it for the first time, haha. 
    • 9/10
  3. The Bachelor 
    • Currently watching, I’m not sure what season this is (there have been so many, lol)
    • I’m a Bachelor fanatic, but this season definitely isn’t my favorite, hopefully it gets better with less drama.
    • 5/10
  4. LA’s Finest
    • Binged
    • Sadly, it was cancelled after 2 seasons and Netflix is only streaming the first season, but it was really good! 
    • 8/10
  5. WandaVision
    • Currently watching
    • AHHH, this show is SO good! Since I just finished rewatching all the Marvel movies, this is giving me my “Marvel” fix. Love it.
    • 20/10
  6. Riverdale
    • Currently watching
    • I believe this is season 5. Honestly, at this point I’m keeping up with the show out of loyalty and not so much interest. HOWEVER, it still has really good parts and I’m super excited for the 5 year time jump.
    • 6.5/10
  7. Legacies
    • Currently watching
    • Season 3. Legacies holds a special place in my heart because I love The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
    • 8/10
  8. Upload
    • Binged
    • Holy cow, this show is soo good. I can’t wait for season 2. For any The Office lovers, this show was created by Greg Daniels and he didn’t disappoint.
    • 10/10
  9. The Good Place
    • Currently binging
    • This follows the afterlife storyline similar to Upload and was also created by The Office’s Michael Schur. Super into this one, I honestly never know what to expect next.
    • 10/10

What TV shows were you binging in January?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form!

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

What’s in My Bag? | 2021

I’ve always wanted to do a What’s in My Bag? post, I think they’re so fun. I love seeing the differences in everyone’s bags: what they love, need, and have “just in case.” I always end up buying at least one thing (usually more) from their recommendations.

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Happy happy Monday, fam! I’m so excited for today’s post. I’ve always wanted to do a What’s in My Bag? post, I think they’re so fun. I love seeing the differences in everyone’s bags: what they love, need, and have “just in case.” I always end up buying at least one thing (usually more) from their recommendations. 

If you’re interested to see what I have in my bag, keep reading! 

My bag is from the company LOVEVOOK it comes in a set of 3, this is the biggest. I absolutely love this bag, it holds so much! Even with all this in it, it has plenty of room for more. It’s very sturdy, spacious inside, and there’s plenty of pocket space as well. Also, I love that it’s tan because it goes with EVERYTHING. 

  1. Planner 
    • I can’t go anywhere without my planner. It has all my tasks, errands, and activities in it. It literally is my life and I’d go insane without it!
  2. Kindle Paperwhite
    • I’ve been getting back into reading (yay!) so I’ve made a point to carry my Kindle with me. If I’m ever out and find myself waiting, where I’d usually pull my phone out to pass time, I’ll read instead. My Kindle is so light and just bigger than my phone so it feels the same but I’m being more productive. 
  3. Gratitude Journal
    • If you guys don’t have a gratitude journal, start one! I was given this for my birthday, it’s small with blank pages and no lines. I thought it would be a perfect gratitude journal. I keep it with me as a reminder to fill it out every day, and if something happens that I want to put in it, I won’t forget. 
  4. Michael Kors wallet
    • Pretty basic, the heart of my bag. I’ve had this wallet for years and somehow it still looks great, love it!
  5. Extra disposable facemask
    • You know when you go into a store and forget to grab your facemask so you have to turn around and go back? Yeah, that happened one too many times for me, so now I keep this just in case that happens so I don’t have to go back. 
  6. Hand sanitizer spray
    • Gotta keep those hands clean! 
  7. Travel-sized deodorant
    • Hey, we all need a little extra sometimes. 
  8. Airpods
    • You never know when you’re gonna want to jam out to some bops or listen to some inspirational podcasts. Also, I use these a LOT when my friends or fam call, I’m too lazy and don’t like to hold the phone up to my ear, haha. 
  9. Extras: mini & small roller, chapstick, nail clippers
    • Essentials, honestly. ALWAYS need chapstick (my lips do be chapped.) My rollers are filled with lavender essential oil, so if I get a little stressy during the day I rub those on. I swear I always get hangnails at the worst times, so the nail clippers help fix that!
  10. Keys
    • Of course. Can’t go anywhere without these bad boys, literally. 

What’s in your bag?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

Happy New Year!! | My 2021 Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!! I’m SO ready to begin a new year. 2020 was rough but it taught me a lot. As I was reflecting on 2020 I wanted to make sure I set goals that would challenge me and help me grow without being so big they become unattainable. I’m excited to turn over a new leaf and start working towards these goals.

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Happy New Year everyone!! I’m SO ready to begin a new year. 2020 was rough but it taught me a lot. As I was reflecting on 2020 I wanted to make sure I set goals that would challenge me and help me grow without being so big they become unattainable. I’m excited to turn over a new leaf and start working towards these goals.

The first thing I do when I sit down to write out my goals, is think about what my word of the year will be. This word will be the overarching theme of the year: something I will continuously think about as I work through each individual goal. My word for 2021 is grind. 2020 taught me a lot about patience, resting, and waiting. Now, 2021 will be the year to challenge myself, push, and grind towards the things I want to accomplish.

Now, for all of my resolutions, I’ve separated them into four categories: personal, spiritual, financial, and work/career goals. 


  • Read one chapter/day & one book/month
  • Make bed daily
  • Get in shape!
    • Gym 5x/week, 8,000 steps/day, gallon of water/day, meal prep


  • Read the Bible (cover to cover)
  • 15 min/day study time (reading the Bible/daily devotional)
  • 10 min/day of stillness (prayer/meditation)


  • Buy a new car
  • Pay off ¼ of student loans
  • Create an emergency fund 


  • Get a full-time job at a great company
  • Gain 100 followers on The Variety Files and Youtube

Those are my New Year’s Resolutions! I’ve already been working towards these since the New Year and am eager to continue. Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated throughout the year. In my planner, every three months, I scheduled a “Quarterly Goal Check-In.” This will be a reminder for me to sit down and reflect on how I’ve been doing accomplishing these goals and see where I can improve. I’m praying that no matter what this year has in store, it’ll be another great opportunity to better myself.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? What are some ways you plan to hold yourself accountable? 

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

Spotify Wrapped 2020

One of the things I look forward to every year is when Spotify releases everyone’s year in review. I love looking back at what I’ve listened to during the year and seeing all the stats. I also love seeing everyone else’s when they share theirs: I get to find new music and podcasts to check out. So, I thought it would be fun to share my detailed Spotify Wrapped for you all!

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Merry Christmas Eve and Happy 11th Day of Blogmas!

One of the things I look forward to every year is when Spotify releases everyone’s year in review. I love looking back at what I’ve listened to during the year and seeing all the stats. I also love seeing everyone’s when they share theirs: I get to find new music and podcasts to check out.

So, I thought it would be fun to share my detailed Spotify Wrapped for you all!

Let’s take a look…

New artists discovered: 414

Total genres listened to: 322 (including 80 new ones)

Top genres: 

  1. Pop
  2. Rap
  3. Modern Rock
  4. Contemporary Country
  5. Pop Rap

Top song: Sunday Best by Surfaces

  • First stream: January 19
  • Day with most streams: February 4
  • 50th stream: July 4
  • Total streams: 75

Top songs:

  1. Sunday Best by Surfaces
  2. Guilty Pleasure by Bryce Vine
  3. Sour Patch Kids by Bryce Vine
  4. Sunflower Seeds by Bryce Vine
  5. A Song to Sing by Kid Quill

Top podcast: Office Ladies – 27 episodes/1,676 minutes streamed

Top podcasts:

  1. Office Ladies
  2. The Spooky Hour
  3. My Favorite Murder

Total minutes of all podcasts streamed: 2,980 minutes

My biggest podcast binge: 5 episodes in one day of Office Ladies

Top decade: 2000’s

  • My throwback track: Electric Feel by MGMT

Top artist: Bryce Vine

  • Top streamed song: Guilty Pleasure
  • Minutes streamed: 2,246

Total artists listened to: 1,258

Top artists:

  1. Bryce Vine
  2. Taylor Swift
  3. Quinn XCII
  4. DaBaby

Total minutes listened: 32,385

If you’re interested in checking out the rest of my Top 100 songs this year, here’s a link to the playlist. 

What does your Spotify Wrapped look like?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form!

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all tomorrow.

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Marvel Movies in Timeline Order

I love love love Marvel, it’s one of my favorite franchises. Watching them in order helped everything click into place. It’s honestly a masterpiece. Everything is connected and makes sense and they include even the smallest details. So I wanted to give you guys the official list of all the Marvel movies in timeline order so you can enjoy watching them too.

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Happy 9th Day of Blogmas friends!

Since quarantine started back in March, I decided I wanted to watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order: this was one of my quarantine goals. Sadly it’s taken me this long to finish, but I’m so excited about it. I’ve seen all the movies at random points in my life or when they premiered in theaters but the storyline always confused me because it jumped around. 

I love love love Marvel, it’s one of my favorite franchises. Watching them in order helped everything click into place. It’s honestly a masterpiece. Everything is connected and makes sense and they include even the smallest details. 

So I wanted to give you guys the official list of all the Marvel movies in timeline order so you can enjoy watching them too. 

I streamed all of these (except Hulk and Spiderman 1&2, due to owning rights) on Disney+. It’s convenient because they include a Marvel section and mini sections within that: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and even The Timeline Order.

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • Captain Marvel
  • Iron Man
  • Iron Man 2
  • The Incredible Hulk (not on Disney+)
  • Thor
  • The Avengers
  • Iron Man 3
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Ant-Man
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Spiderman: Homecoming (not on Disney+)
  • Doctor Strange
  • Black Panther
  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Spiderman: Far From Home

That’s the whole list! Write it down and start your movie watching. I’m looking forward to when they start releasing Phase 4 in theaters, I’m eager for new Marvel movies. 

Have you watched these movies in Timeline Order? Do you have a favorite movie? A favorite character?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all tomorrow. 

100 Questions for You to Get to Know Me

I saw a tag called 100 Questions for You to Get to Know Me and thought this looked so fun. There’re so many good questions you might not usually ask/know about people and a lot of fun/goofy ones too.

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Happy 7th Day of Blogmas!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all doing well. A while back I did a post: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Me. But, I saw a tag called 100 Questions for You to Get to Know Me and thought this looked so fun. There’re so many good questions you might not usually ask/know about people and a lot of fun/goofy ones too. So without further ado, let’s get into it…

  1. Are you a morning or night person?
    • Night person, 100%
  2. Are you afraid of the dark?
    • It depends on where I’m at. In my room no, somewhere unfamiliar and scary, yes
  3. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
    • Extrovert
  4. Are you double jointed?
    • Only on my thumb, “Hitch-hiker’s thumb”
  5. Are you left or right handed?
    • Right-handed
  6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one?
    • Tidy, I make my bed every day and I’m proud of that lol
  7. Are you on time or always late?
    • In between- I call it running on time. I get to where I need to be at exactly when I need to be there, not early not late
  8. Are you ticklish?
    • Yes
  9. Can you curl your tongue?
    • Yes. I can roll it, twist it, and make it a cloverleaf (look it up, it’s cool)
  10. Can you ice skate?
    • Nope, I’ve tried but I have no balance
  11. Can you wiggle your ears?
    • No
  12. Coffee or tea?
    • BOTH
  13. Cookies, cake or donuts?
    • ALL- especially chocolate flavored
  14. Did you ever participate in a talent show?
    • Never- made me too nervous
  15. Did you go to prom?
    • Yes 3 times
  16. Did you like school?
    • Loved school, I loved being able to challenge myself. I just received my Bachelor’s and I’m kind of considering going back for my Master’s
  17. Do you believe in ghosts?
    • I believe in demons, I’m not sure if I believe in ghosts (someone passed but their spirit hasn’t moved on), but I’ve heard some crazy unexplainable stories so I’m open to the idea
  18. Do you bite your nails?
    • Sometimes, I used to do it a lot when I was younger. Now it’s only when I’m anxious
  19. Do you consider yourself a good cook?
    • Average
  20. Do you enjoy dancing?
    • I love to dance, mostly with friends
  21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts?
    • Sometimes, it can be fun but I’m impatient 
  22. Do you forgive easily?
    • Depends on who you are and what you did. Usually, yes
  23. Do you have a nickname?
    • Gean Bean, Gean, POTSB (President of the Student Body)
  24. Do you have any allergies?
    • Dust, ugh
  25. Do you have any phobias?
    • Heights, drowning, claustrophobia/being buried alive: the usual
  26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
    • Nose piercing and double ear piercing
  27. Do you have children?
    • Not yet
  28. Do you have pets?
    • No, but I really want one
  29. Do you have siblings?
    • 2 brothers, 2 step-brothers and a step sister
  30. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
    • Dogs, but I love them both 
  31. Do you prefer Mac or PC?
    • Mac, 100%
  32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
    • BOTH
  33. Do you prefer to bath or shower?
    • Shower unless I’m having a self care night, but I still shower after
  34. Do you sing in the shower?
    • No, but I do talk to myself lol
  35. Do you smoke?
    • Never
  36. Do you speak any different languages?
    • No, sadly, but I’m using Duolingo to improve/expand the Spanish I learned in high school 
  37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?
    • Nope, got those bad boys out in May
  38. Do you still watch cartoons?
    • Not typically, but I will watch old Nickelodeon cartoons, especially Spongebob
  39. Do you/have you played any sports?
    • Played soccer when I was really young after that I was just in Marching Band/Color Guard
  40. Does your name have a special meaning?
    • Nope, but it was Italian and that’s why my dad chose it
  41. Have you ever been hospitalized?
    • No, thank God
  42. Have you ever been on a diet?
    • No, I don’t like diets, I’d rather try and eat healthier but not restrict myself
  43. Have you ever been to a concert?
    • A few, my friends and I would go to Blossom Music Center during the summer a lot for country concerts. My favorite artist to see in concert is Dierks Bentley
    • I’ve also seen the Cheetah Girls when I was younger
  44. Have you ever gone camping?
    • No
  45. Have you ever met any celebrities?
    • Emily Osment and Bella Thorne
  46. Have you ever skipped class?
    • Yes, sadly, many times. But I did the work to make up for it so I still got good grades
  47. Have you ever won something?
    • Nothing big, but some small contests here and there. I just recently won two T-shirts from Courageous Clothing, check them out
  48. Have you had braces?
    • Yes for 2 years I believe, but I stopped wearing my retainer, don’t do that
  49. How are you feeling right now?
    • I’m feeling good, the weather is really nice and relaxing
  50. How tall are you?
    • 5’7”
  51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday?
    • A car, I’m not sure what kind though
  52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
    • Italy
  53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie?
    • No
  54. What city were you born in?
    • Ravenna, Ohio
  55. What did you last eat?
    • Cheesy, Chicken, Broccoli, and Rice Casserole
  56. What did you want to be when you were younger?
    • Veterinarian: every girl wanted to be one because they love animals lol
  57. What do you do on a typical Friday night?
    • Before Covid my friends and I would go downtown and get food/drinks and go dancing. Now I watch movies by myself/with friends (on Scener) or binge Netflix
  58. What is one food that you refuse to eat?
    • Brussel Sprouts
  59. What is one item on your bucket list?
    • Skydiving (funny because I’m afraid of heights)
  60. What is one item you can’t live without?
    • Leave-in conditioner
  61. What is your shoe size?
    • 10
  62. What movie have you watched repeatedly?
    • Mean Girls and She’s the Man
  63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)?
    • Apple
  64. What should you be doing right now?
    • Laundry
  65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year?
    • Try new things
  66. What’s one of your pet peeves?
    • When people chew their gum loudly
  67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to?
    • Mistletoe by Justin Bieber
  68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own?
    • I don’t think I have any expensive clothing, most of my stuff is from Old Navy lol
  69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without?
    • My water bottle
  70. What’s your best physical feature?
    • Freckles
  71. What’s your Chinese sign?
    • The Ox
  72. What’s your current obsession?
    • Marvel movies, I’m watching them in chronological order
  73. What’s your dream car?
    • Yellow Camaro with black racing stripes: Bumblebee
  74. What’s your favourite animal?
    • Red panda
  75. What’s your favourite book?
    • I don’t have one, I have a lot that I love
  76. What’s your favourite colour?
    • Turquoise 
  77. What’s your favourite dessert?
    • Anything chocolate
  78. What’s your favourite drink?
    • Coca-Cola
  79. What’s your favourite food?
    • Chicken Parmigiana
  80. What’s your favourite foreign food?
    • I don’t have one
  81. What’s your favourite gadget?
    • Tile, I just got this and I’m obsessed
  82. What’s your favourite hobby?
    • Bullet Journaling
  83. What’s your favourite movie?
    • I don’t have a favorite, I love so many
  84. What’s your favourite restaurant?
    1. Chipotle
  85. What’s your favourite sandwich?
    • Turkey, American cheese, and mayonnaise 
  86. What’s your favourite season?
    • Fall
  87. What’s your favourite series?
    • The Office 
  88. What’s your favourite snack?
    • Strawberries with sugar, chips and dip, hummus and tortilla chips
  89. What’s your favourite sport to watch?
    • I don’t have one, I’m not super into sports but I would rather be there in person
  90. What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
    • Chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter and chocolate milk
  91. What’s your full name?
    • Gina Marie Nagella
  92. What’s your longest relationship so far?
    • 5 years
  93. What’s your lucky number?
    • 7
  94. What’s your star sign?
    • Capricorn
  95. When is your birthday?
    • January 6, 1998
  96. Which city did you grow up in?
    • Ravenna, Ohio
  97. Which city do you live in now?
    • Dallas, Texas
  98. Who do you miss right now?
    • My friends and family in Ohio, mainly my mom
  99. Who is your celebrity crush?
    • Chad Michael Murray
  100. Who’s your favourite fictional character?
    • Edward Cullen

That’s all of em! Hopefully you learned something new about me. Before you go I have a couple questions I want to ask you. Drop a comment below and answer them! I answered them too, in case you were curious, haha.

  1. Boneless or bone-in?
    • Boneless
  2. Give-up chocolate or cheese for the rest of your life?
    • Cheese
  3. Do you call them JoJo’s or Potato Wedges?
    • JoJo’s
  4. What superpower would you want?
    • Ability to fly

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all tomorrow.

The Office: 15 Best Episodes

If you haven’t heard already… Netflix is removing The Office from their streaming service in 2021. I don’t know about you, but I was heartbroken when I heard this. I absolutely love The Office and it’s my comfort show: I’m constantly rewatching it. So I decided to compile a list of the best episodes (in my opinion) to watch in honor of this era coming to an end.

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If you haven’t heard already… Netflix is removing The Office from their streaming service in 2021. On January 1st it will be arriving to Peacock TV owned by NBC, they stream primarily NBC owned original content. If you aren’t looking to get a Peacock subscription, you can also buy the complete series on Amazon and Target.

I don’t know about you, but I was heartbroken when I heard this. I absolutely love The Office and it’s my comfort show: I’m constantly rewatching it. So I decided to compile a list of the best episodes (in my opinion) to watch in honor of this era coming to an end. Originally, I was only going to pick 10, but there’s just so many good ones I had to expand a bit. So, without further ado, let’s jump into it!

  1. Diversity Day: S1E2
    1. Michael’s controversial imitation of a Chris Rock routine forces the staff to undergo a racial diversity seminar. A consultant arrives to teach the staff about tolerance and diversity, but Michael insists on imparting his own knowledge—aggravating both the consultant and the entire office staff—and creates his own diversity seminar. He eventually assigns each staff member an index card with a different race on it, causing tempers to slowly simmer until they finally snap.
  2. The Dundies: S2E1
    1. Michael Scott hosts “The Dundies”, the annual awards show in which he presents awards to various members of the office. But the night does not turn out as he plans, and Michael ends up angering or humiliating the majority of the office staff. Meanwhile, after Pam Beesly argues with her fiancé, she becomes obviously intoxicated and kisses Jim Halpert.
  3. The Injury: S2E12
    1. Michael Scott accidentally burns his foot on his George Foreman Grill, but insists on coming to work anyway. When none of his employees, except for Dwight Schrute, help him, Michael feels under-appreciated. Meanwhile, Dwight starts acting strangely nice to everyone, especially Pam Beesly.
  4. Casino Night: S2E22
    1. Dunder-Mifflin holds a casino night in the warehouse to benefit charity. While Michael faces the task of juggling two dates, Jim is forced to ponder the reality of transferring to the Stamford branch and what that means for his relationship with Pam.
  5. Initiation: S3E5
    1. Ryan Howard is taken by Dwight Schrute on what he believes is a sales call, but instead is brought to Dwight’s beet farm for an “initiation.” Pam Beesly is supposed to keep track of Michael Scott’s productivity, but Michael spends his day waiting in line for a pretzel. Jim Halpert steals Karen Filippelli’s chair and foils her attempts to get it back.
  6. Beach Games: S3E23
    1. The office goes to a nearby lake for some “beach games”. It is revealed that Michael is being interviewed for a position at Corporate and that the winner of the beach games will become regional manager. Meanwhile, Dwight and Angela sabotage Andy, and Pam spends her day taking notes of the office workers’ activities.
  7. The Job: S3E24
    1. Michael prepares for his interview for the corporate job and names Dwight as his successor, whose managing methods are unpopular. Jan arrives at the office to see Michael and everyone is shocked when it appears she has undergone breast augmentation. Jim and Karen also interview for the corporate position, and Pam deals with the consequences of her earlier outburst.
  8. Stress Relief: S5E14/15
    1. Dwight stages a fire in the office to test the office’s fire safety skills, but things go from bad to worse when Stanley suffers a heart attack, causing Michael to come up with ways to relieve stress in the office, including a comedic roast of himself. 
  9. Niagara: S6E4/5
    1. The episode revolves around the wedding of Jim and Pam at Niagara Falls. Not all goes smoothly when Jim accidentally reveals Pam’s pregnancy to all the guests, including Pam’s very old-fashioned grandmother, and Andy injures his scrotum while dancing. Meanwhile, Michael and Dwight both try to hook up with women, with mixed results.
  10. Threat Level Midnight: S7E17
    1. Michael Scott screens his action film Threat Level Midnight to the office after ten years of writing, shooting, re-shooting, and editing. This film features Michael as Agent Michael Scarn, Dwight Schrute as Scarn’s robot butler, and Jim Halpert as Scarn’s archnemesis “Goldenface”.
  11. Garage Sale: S7E19
    1. Michael decides to propose to Holly, and runs into trouble thinking of how to do it well with his expensive diamond ring. He consults several coworkers on advice and for ideas on how to propose. Meanwhile, Dunder Mifflin Scranton’s warehouse and crew hosts a public garage sale.
  12. Michael’s Last Dundies: S7E21
    1. Michael Scott trains his office replacement, Deangelo Vickers on how to properly host the branch’s annual Dundie Awards. Michael soon learns that Deangelo has a terrible problem with speaking in front of others. Meanwhile, Erin Hannon grows to dislike her boyfriend, Gabe Lewis.
  13. Goodbye Michael: S7E22
    1. Michael prepares to leave for Colorado with Holly and spends his last day in the office saying goodbye to everyone individually, wanting no drama to ensue. Meanwhile, new manager Deangelo and Andy try to keep Michael’s biggest clients.
  14. A.A.R.M.: S9E22/23
    1. Jim Halpert convinces Dwight Schrute that he needs to choose someone to act as an Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager (A.A.R.M.); the two subsequently hold tryouts for the position. Angela Lipton is forced to bring her son, Phillip, to work, and Dwight thinks that he may be his son. Pam Halpert’s final fears about her husband’s love are settled. Finally, all the members of the office gather at Poor Richard’s Pub and watch the airing of the official in-series documentary.
  15. Finale: S9E24/25
    1. In the episode, which takes place a year after the previous episode “A.A.R.M.”, present and past employees of Dunder Mifflin gather for the wedding of Dwight Schrute and Angela Martin, during which Michael Scott returns to serve as Dwight’s best man. In addition, Pam Halpert and Jim Halpert finally decide to pursue Jim’s dream of working in sports marketing. Finally, everyone comes together for a final round of interviews and goodbyes.

*Summaries provided by Wikipedia*

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed my take on the best episodes and use this to bask in the last few moments of the show while it’s on Netflix. What are your favorites? Let me know if you would have added or taken any away! 

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

I’ve gotten some new followers in the past couple weeks and thought it would be fun to write a post telling you some fun facts about myself to help you get to know me better.

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Hi friends! 

I’ve gotten some new followers in the past couple weeks and thought it would be fun to write a post telling you some fun facts about myself to help you get to know me better. 

I love posts like these, and was looking forward to writing this, because there’s so many fun things about people you don’t usually learn from a couple encounters.

So, let’s get into it…

  1. I’m a Capricorn
    • I was born on January 6th, 1998 
  2. I am a licensed cosmetologist
    • I went to a trade school the last two years of high school, and graduated (in 2016) the same week I went to State Boards and got certified
  3. I graduated from Malone University with a BA in Business and Accounting
    • I also have a minor in Marketing. I graduated this past year in May, but sadly no graduation because of COVID 😦
  4. I can say my ABCs backwards
    • This is my favorite party trick, I think it’s so cool
  5. I love Coca-Cola
    • Enough said
  6. I want Chipotle to sponsor me
    • At one point I ate Chipotle 5x in a week, I love it so much… Sponsor me pls
  7. I don’t have a quiet setting
    • I’m very loud, not in an obnoxious way, I’m just not soft spoken. This 100% comes from my Italian genes
  8. I love to bullet journal
    • I started bullet journaling about 2 years ago and I absolutely love it. It gives me time every month to get both creative and organized 
  9. I was in band in high school
    • Since elementary school I played the flute for concert band and in high school I joined the color guard for marching band. I also learned how to play the marimba senior year
  10. I was President of the Student Body at Malone
    • I was in Student Senate all four years in college, and decided to take a big step and run for Student Body President. Best decision ever- I loved every minute of it

Well, that’s all 10! I hope you guys liked them. Let me know which one was the most surprising and share one of your own!

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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My First Week Doing the 80 Day Six Fix

Two of my friends also shared this video with me and I thought, “You know, I think this is something I can actually set my mind to and form some new, healthy habits.” So I wrote all the goals down in my notes app, tweaked them to my lifestyle, and set my intention to start Monday the 12th.

I was on TikTok about a week ago and saw this girl, Ally Henky, make a video about there only being 80 days left in the year- WHAT?? So, she wanted to create a challenge, similar to the 75 Day Hard (but not as difficult, haha), to end the year right. Two of my friends also shared this video with me and I thought, “You know, I think this is something I can actually set my mind to and form some new, healthy habits.” So I wrote all the goals down in my notes app, tweaked them to my lifestyle, and set my intention to start Monday the 12th. 


Like the 75 hard…but different! WHO IS IN!?!?!? Let me know in the comments!!! #razrfit #homeworkout #emilyinparis #oikosonetrip #levitating

♬ original sound – Ally Henky

The Challenge

Ally laid out six different goals to complete every day- hence the 80 Day Six Fix.

  1. Make your bed every day- the concept is if you have a bad day and come home to a made bed, something went right.
  2. Drink a gallon of water a day.
    • I decided to set alarms, 3 hours apart, throughout the day as reminders to drink my water. I have a 32 oz water bottle, so I need to drink 4 of those to equal a gallon. When the alarm goes off if I haven’t finished my water, I’ll chug what’s remaining, fill it back up and be ready to drink that for the next 3 hours. 
  3. Fuel your body- follow some sort of diet or eating plan.
    • I set my goal to eat 1500 calories a day because I want to lose weight. I use my Fitbit app to record the food I eat and stay on track. Lifesum is another good app if you don’t have a Fitbit. 
  4. 10 minutes a day to be still- meditate, pray, give thanks.
    • I set the intention to use this time to spend with God: praying and giving thanks. Then if I can’t think of anything else to say, I’ll just stay silent and listen.
  5. Exercise 5x a week- crossfit class, walks, yoga, etc.: 30 minutes a day at least.
    • I want to ease myself back into exercising (let’s be honest, quarantine really messed up everyone’s routines so I’ve been super off my game) so I decided my exercise will be a daily 30 minute walk.
  6. 10,000 steps a day- forces you to get outside.
    • I’m gonna be honest, I hardly ever get 10,000 steps a day, even when I was living on campus and walking everywhere. So, to be realistic with this goal I’ve changed it to 8,000 steps. 

First Week Completed! (Thoughts and Reflection)

I was pretty hyped to get started Monday, so I was feeling extra motivated. As soon as I got up I made my bed which put me in a good mindset for the day, it helped me realize there were things to do and I couldn’t lay around all day. Monday was my cleaning/laundry/running errands day, so I was already moving around quite a bit. I was keeping track of my water and food intake well, staying on track. Heads up, you’re gonna be going to the bathroom a LOT. I went for an evening walk, since that’s when the weather started to cool off (thank you Texas). My neighborhood is really nice, so I loved getting outside and seeing it in a new way. Also, everyone has their Halloween decorations up so it was cool seeing how each house was decorated differently. Going on the walk helped me get a majority of my steps in. From there I just made a point to go up and down the stairs more often or just get up and walk around the house. 

I felt so good checking off each goal that I couldn’t wait until the next day to do it again. Each day I felt I was getting more used to the schedule and routine I was building for myself that it was a given I needed to do those things. I will say by Thursday, it was harder to get up in the morning, I was a bit more groggy and my body was a little more sore from the increased activity, but overall I still felt good. I’m so proud of myself for completing the first week and sticking to my goals. I’m excited to continue this challenge through the end of the year and see how these habits begin to stick and solidify in my everyday life. 

I really like this challenge over others, because it’s focusing on creating habits rather than a crash diet or lifestyle that isn’t sustainable. The goals aren’t hard, but they are making me more aware of changes I need to make everyday.  I’m loving the change I’m already feeling within myself, I have more energy and motivation to get things done throughout the day and I feel happier and brighter. I think my favorite goal within the six is being still. This isn’t something that comes easy for a lot of us, but it makes you intentional about slowing down in the midst of the craziness and becoming aware of your surroundings.

Even though the first week has already passed, think about joining me and we can keep each other accountable! Challenges like this are best to do with a buddy, someone who you can talk to about it and keep you on track. 

Is this something you’re interested in trying? Is there a friend you can get to join you? What are some healthy habits you want to put in place? What was your favorite goal out of the six?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form!

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week.

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