
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea), sit back and relax! 

My latest posts are below and my previous posts are under the “Blog” tab. 

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Latest from the Blog

5 Ingredient Corn Casserole

The official start to summer is quickly approaching and in honor of the coming cookouts and parties I wanted to share my ALL-TIME favorite party dish. It’s a fan favorite and must-have. This dish is the easiest to make, and when I say easy- I mean it. You’re gonna love it!

Life Update!

WOAH. Hi friends! It has been WAY too long. Life has been a little crazy, but so so good. I figured it would be fun for me to give ya’ll a life update since I haven’t posted about myself for a while. 

Chaos Walking Movie Review

This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.

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