Chaos Walking Movie Review

This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.

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This past week I took myself on a date, currently on a journey to get comfortable spending time by myself, see: Treat Yourself. I had been seeing the trailers for Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, and Nick Jonas for a while and decided it would be the perfect movie to see in theaters.


Boy, was I right. The movie takes place in a dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each other’s thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise. “The Noise is a man unfiltered, and without a filter, a man is just chaos walking.” This quote opens up the movie and honestly captures the film in the perfect way. 

The movie begins in a small village on New World, only inhabited by men, when a woman crash lands on the planet from her spaceship. Being the only woman, Viola’s (Ridley) life is threatened and young villager Todd Hewitt (Holland) promises to keep her safe. The story then follows the two as they seek refuge and safety.

We eventually learn that there were in fact women on this planet, but they were all killed off by the original habitants, or aliens to us. However, it comes to light that the mayor and priest of the small village actually looked down on the women because their thoughts weren’t visible. This made them think the women were soulless and weak. I find this interesting, because I think it gives the women an edge. Usually, on Earth, women are constantly at a disadvantage and this factor levels the playing field on this new planet. 

I can see this type of genre becoming big: a journey to a new world because Earth is becoming or already is uninhabitable. Take Wall-E, Passengers, or upcoming movie Voyagers for example. It’s a very interesting story line and one lots of people have actually thought about happening. 

I was slightly disappointed because Nick Jonas’ character, David Prentiss, didn’t get as much screen time as I thought he would. He played the villain, which is new for Jonas. He typically takes parts where he’s the hero or good guy. I did like this contrast though and thought he did an excellent job.

Overall: WOAH. 10/10. Chaos Walking kept me intrigued, because as an audience we were never given a true backstory about the New World: why it is and how it came to be. It leaves room for a sequel but the ending wraps it up as a stand alone film. I was on edge the whole time, and didn’t know what would happen next. It’s a very unique storyline and I appreciated that. 

Chaos Walking is only streaming in theaters, so if you have the chance- GO SEE IT! You won’t regret it.

Have you seen Chaos Walking? What’re your thoughts? Thumbs up, thumbs down?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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Marvel Movies in Timeline Order

I love love love Marvel, it’s one of my favorite franchises. Watching them in order helped everything click into place. It’s honestly a masterpiece. Everything is connected and makes sense and they include even the smallest details. So I wanted to give you guys the official list of all the Marvel movies in timeline order so you can enjoy watching them too.

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Happy 9th Day of Blogmas friends!

Since quarantine started back in March, I decided I wanted to watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order: this was one of my quarantine goals. Sadly it’s taken me this long to finish, but I’m so excited about it. I’ve seen all the movies at random points in my life or when they premiered in theaters but the storyline always confused me because it jumped around. 

I love love love Marvel, it’s one of my favorite franchises. Watching them in order helped everything click into place. It’s honestly a masterpiece. Everything is connected and makes sense and they include even the smallest details. 

So I wanted to give you guys the official list of all the Marvel movies in timeline order so you can enjoy watching them too. 

I streamed all of these (except Hulk and Spiderman 1&2, due to owning rights) on Disney+. It’s convenient because they include a Marvel section and mini sections within that: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and even The Timeline Order.

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • Captain Marvel
  • Iron Man
  • Iron Man 2
  • The Incredible Hulk (not on Disney+)
  • Thor
  • The Avengers
  • Iron Man 3
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Ant-Man
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Spiderman: Homecoming (not on Disney+)
  • Doctor Strange
  • Black Panther
  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Spiderman: Far From Home

That’s the whole list! Write it down and start your movie watching. I’m looking forward to when they start releasing Phase 4 in theaters, I’m eager for new Marvel movies. 

Have you watched these movies in Timeline Order? Do you have a favorite movie? A favorite character?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all tomorrow. 

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