My Favorite Christmas Traditions

Today I wanted to share my favorite Christmas traditions that my family and I do every year. This year things will be a little different, but we’re gonna try and follow them the best we can- after all, traditions are one of the best things about Christmas!

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Happy Fourth Day of Blogmas, ya’ll!

Today I wanted to share my favorite Christmas traditions that my family and I do every year. This year things will be a little different, but we’re gonna try and follow them the best we can- after all, traditions are one of the best things about Christmas! I think after all the craziness this year, being able to do things like traditions will help bring some joy back into our lives and make things feel a bit more normal. 

Nativity Set

When my mom and I begin decorating, I always get the task of setting up our Nativity Set. This is one of my favorite things to do. Our set has more realistic aspects, like some hay and grass underneath the stable, and the porcelain figures have paintings of their clothes with beautiful detail. I love doing this, because while it’s always fun to get into the Christmas spirit and buy gifts for loved ones, it’s so important to remember the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus. Setting this up allows me to take some time and reflect on this beautiful gift and sacrifice. 

Christmas Pajamas

On Christmas Eve, we’re allowed to open one present. This present is always a set of pajamas. Everyone in the family gets a pair and we all wear them that night and Christmas morning. Usually, the pajamas aren’t Christmas themed, just a design we would enjoy, but I always remember which Christmas they were from. It’s like a little memento. I love this, because once we put our pjs on we’re in the Christmas mood and ready to celebrate the rest of the night.

The Night Before Christmas

My grandma gave us a present one year, a book: The Night Before Christmas. This book is extra special, though, because the book allowed her to record her voice while reading it. Every year we would listen to her read the book, and we loved it. She’s now passed away, so it means even more. We still get to spend every Christmas Eve with her and hear her voice as she reads this book.

The Christmas Story

Following The Night Before Christmas, we have to pair this with The Christmas Story, of course. Similar to the Nativity Set, this is a chance for us to read about the true meaning of Christmas and what that means for us as Christians. It’s important to remind ourselves why God came to Earth as a man: Jesus. He paid the ultimate sacrifice: to die on a cross for our sins so we could live eternally. It’s greater than any gift anyone could give and it’s such a blessing. 

Christmas Movies on Christmas Eve

We end the night by making tea or hot chocolate, settling in front of the TV with a cozy blanket, and watching Christmas movies. It’s all dark except for the light from the Christmas tree and decorations, and if we’re lucky there’s snow falling outside. The picture-perfect way to end Christmas Eve with family. 

Well guys, those are my favorite Christmas traditions! I hope you enjoyed! I’m excited to figure out how to do these this year since I won’t be in Ohio, and due to the pandemic we’re unable to see some family members, so we’re gonna get really creative in order to still have a wonderful Christmas.

What was your favorite tradition out of my list? What are some traditions you have? What’s your all-time favorite tradition? 

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Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all tomorrow. 

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