January TV Favorites!

In honor of January coming to an end I wanted to recap my TV favorites: all the tv shows I’m currently watching/re-watching or binged during January.

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Happy February friends! Holy cow, I can’t believe it’s already February. Usually January feels soooo long, but honestly this year it flew. I’m ready for a new month and a new chance to better myself! But, in honor of January coming to an end I wanted to recap my TV favorites: all the tv shows I’m currently watching/re-watching or binged during January. 

Let’s get into it!

  1. Schitt’s Creek
    • Rewatching
    • This is my comfort show right now so I always have it playing.
    • 10/10
  2. The Vampire Diaries
    • Rewatching 
    • This is my second time through. A lot has happened that I forgot about. I sometimes feel like I’m watching it for the first time, haha. 
    • 9/10
  3. The Bachelor 
    • Currently watching, I’m not sure what season this is (there have been so many, lol)
    • I’m a Bachelor fanatic, but this season definitely isn’t my favorite, hopefully it gets better with less drama.
    • 5/10
  4. LA’s Finest
    • Binged
    • Sadly, it was cancelled after 2 seasons and Netflix is only streaming the first season, but it was really good! 
    • 8/10
  5. WandaVision
    • Currently watching
    • AHHH, this show is SO good! Since I just finished rewatching all the Marvel movies, this is giving me my “Marvel” fix. Love it.
    • 20/10
  6. Riverdale
    • Currently watching
    • I believe this is season 5. Honestly, at this point I’m keeping up with the show out of loyalty and not so much interest. HOWEVER, it still has really good parts and I’m super excited for the 5 year time jump.
    • 6.5/10
  7. Legacies
    • Currently watching
    • Season 3. Legacies holds a special place in my heart because I love The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
    • 8/10
  8. Upload
    • Binged
    • Holy cow, this show is soo good. I can’t wait for season 2. For any The Office lovers, this show was created by Greg Daniels and he didn’t disappoint.
    • 10/10
  9. The Good Place
    • Currently binging
    • This follows the afterlife storyline similar to Upload and was also created by The Office’s Michael Schur. Super into this one, I honestly never know what to expect next.
    • 10/10

What TV shows were you binging in January?

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Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

Halloween in New Orleans

We spontaneously decided to book a trip to New Orleans in honor of her birthday- 1. Because it’s such a beautiful city with a rich history and 2. We’re diehard Vampire Diaries and Originals fans so of course we had to visit. Also, Halloween in New Orleans?? How much spookier can you get?

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Happy Wednesday Variety friends! I was hoping to have this post out last week, but I was out of town celebrating my best friend’s birthday, which happens to fall on Halloween! So we’re gonna extend the spooky celebration by one more week, hope ya’ll don’t mind!

I’m super excited about this post in particular because I get to relive one of the best trips I’ve taken so far, with the above mentioned best friend, Megan. We spontaneously decided to book a trip to New Orleans in honor of her birthday- 1. Because it’s such a beautiful city with a rich history and 2. We’re diehard Vampire Diaries and Originals fans so of course we had to visit. Also, Halloween in New Orleans?? How much spookier can you get?

P.S. Keep reading to the end for a fun surprise.

The Itinerary 

I mapped out the trip in my bullet journal.
You can see where I started drawing the different logos to places (bottom right) but never finished, haha.

So we were there for five days total, and tried to cram as many activities and sightseeing as we could into the week without being overwhelmed. It worked out so well, because we were able to sleep in a little everyday, eat at a local restaurant, sightsee/walk around the French Quarter or the Arts District, and then go to whatever activity we had planned later in the day. Then we usually ended the night by going to Bourbon Street to get drinks, walk around and listen to the music/experience the night life. 

  • Monday
    • The first day was pretty chill. We got to the city about 9:30am and check in wasn’t until about 3pm, so we ate breakfast and went to the hotel to drop off our suitcases and clean up, then started walking around the French Quarter. Most of the sightseeing this afternoon was down Royal Street, we did a lot of antiquing and checking out the different stores. We ate lunch, went back to the hotel to nap, and then got ready to go out for the night on Bourbon Street. 
  • Tuesday
    • This day was a little rainy but we didn’t let it stop us. We bought tickets to go to a swamp tour at Jean Lafitte and it was perfect for the rainy day. I really enjoyed getting to see the Bayou, since we were staying in the city, it was cool to see a different side to New Orleans. That night we also had tickets for a Ghost Tour, which I highly recommend. Our tour guide took us all around the French Quarter and told us different stories about the city and different locations/buildings that had a spooky history. It was very themed and awesome to do at night since it set the scene. 
  • Wednesday
    • We did more sightseeing on this day, but we ventured out to the Arts District to see the Lafayette Cemetery, different shops, and beautiful houses. We also made a stop to the Museum of Death, which is not for the faint-hearted. It was really interesting to see the different exhibits and items in the museum, it wasn’t very big but there were a lot of things inside so it actually kept us occupied for a while. Since Megan’s birthday was the next day, we went out to Bourbon Street again so we could be awake when the clock struck midnight. This was so fun getting to be right in the middle of the city as it turned to her birthday. 
  • Thursday– The Spooky Day has arrived!! Happy birthday Megan!!
    • We went for breakfast at this restaurant we really liked, Stanley, and they played all kinds of spooky music so it really put us in the Halloween mood. We did some more sightseeing and walking around, and then of course, we put on our costumes and went to Bourbon Street (is this a surprise?) I think this was my favorite night, seeing everyone in costume, the streets flooded with people, and just having a great time. 
  • Friday– Last day 😦
    • This day was pretty chill, very similar to Monday when we arrived. We packed up, checked out, grabbed lunch, and then just hung around near Jackson Square and watched some street performers until we needed to head to the airport. Definitely the perfect way to end the trip. 

New Orleans I Love You

This was my first “big girl trip” without my family, or going to visit family. It was the first time Megan or myself had been alone in a new city so it was such an amazing experience to share with her. I would definitely recommend grabbing your bff and taking a spontaneous trip like this, it’s so worth it! Also, 10/10 recommend going to New Orleans! The city is beautiful, the music is wonderful, and the nightlife is vibrant. Truly incredible. I took lots of video and vlogged a bit to capture this trip as best I can so below you’ll find the link to the Youtube video of this trip- surprise! I hope you enjoy it!

Have you ever taken a spontaneous trip? What was it like? Have you visited New Orleans? What were your favorite spots? What’s one place on your travel bucket list?

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form!

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week.

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