What’s in My Bag? | 2021

I’ve always wanted to do a What’s in My Bag? post, I think they’re so fun. I love seeing the differences in everyone’s bags: what they love, need, and have “just in case.” I always end up buying at least one thing (usually more) from their recommendations.

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Happy happy Monday, fam! I’m so excited for today’s post. I’ve always wanted to do a What’s in My Bag? post, I think they’re so fun. I love seeing the differences in everyone’s bags: what they love, need, and have “just in case.” I always end up buying at least one thing (usually more) from their recommendations. 

If you’re interested to see what I have in my bag, keep reading! 

My bag is from the company LOVEVOOK it comes in a set of 3, this is the biggest. I absolutely love this bag, it holds so much! Even with all this in it, it has plenty of room for more. It’s very sturdy, spacious inside, and there’s plenty of pocket space as well. Also, I love that it’s tan because it goes with EVERYTHING. 

  1. Planner 
    • I can’t go anywhere without my planner. It has all my tasks, errands, and activities in it. It literally is my life and I’d go insane without it!
  2. Kindle Paperwhite
    • I’ve been getting back into reading (yay!) so I’ve made a point to carry my Kindle with me. If I’m ever out and find myself waiting, where I’d usually pull my phone out to pass time, I’ll read instead. My Kindle is so light and just bigger than my phone so it feels the same but I’m being more productive. 
  3. Gratitude Journal
    • If you guys don’t have a gratitude journal, start one! I was given this for my birthday, it’s small with blank pages and no lines. I thought it would be a perfect gratitude journal. I keep it with me as a reminder to fill it out every day, and if something happens that I want to put in it, I won’t forget. 
  4. Michael Kors wallet
    • Pretty basic, the heart of my bag. I’ve had this wallet for years and somehow it still looks great, love it!
  5. Extra disposable facemask
    • You know when you go into a store and forget to grab your facemask so you have to turn around and go back? Yeah, that happened one too many times for me, so now I keep this just in case that happens so I don’t have to go back. 
  6. Hand sanitizer spray
    • Gotta keep those hands clean! 
  7. Travel-sized deodorant
    • Hey, we all need a little extra sometimes. 
  8. Airpods
    • You never know when you’re gonna want to jam out to some bops or listen to some inspirational podcasts. Also, I use these a LOT when my friends or fam call, I’m too lazy and don’t like to hold the phone up to my ear, haha. 
  9. Extras: mini & small roller, chapstick, nail clippers
    • Essentials, honestly. ALWAYS need chapstick (my lips do be chapped.) My rollers are filled with lavender essential oil, so if I get a little stressy during the day I rub those on. I swear I always get hangnails at the worst times, so the nail clippers help fix that!
  10. Keys
    • Of course. Can’t go anywhere without these bad boys, literally. 

What’s in your bag?

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Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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