Life Update!

WOAH. Hi friends! It has been WAY too long. Life has been a little crazy, but so so good. I figured it would be fun for me to give ya’ll a life update since I haven’t posted about myself for a while. 

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WOAH. Hi friends! It has been WAY too long. Life has been a little crazy, but so so good. I figured it would be fun for me to give ya’ll a life update since I haven’t posted about myself for a while. 

In March I landed a full-time job as a Staff Accountant for a Fund Administration firm. Pretty much doing a mix of accounting and data entry for companies that work with investments. It’s ALL remote which I’m loving, and the company is so great. They were actually founded as a remote company so they were ahead of the game when Covid hit. They’re experts at WFH so I get a good balance of communicating with my team and not feeling too secluded during the day. 

I just went home to Ohio to visit in April and that was wonderful. I got to see so many friends and family and catch up with a lot of people. It’s so good getting to be home, I definitely missed it a lot and am already planning my next trip back, haha. I had a spa day with my mama, a day in CLE with my cousin, hit up the ol’ country bar for some line dancing, visited my alma mater and ate SO much good food. It was honestly rough coming back to work after all that. 

Annnnnnd, just about two weeks ago I bought a new car! Well, certified pre-owned. She’s a 2019 Chevy Equinox named Edna. She’s a beaut I’ll tell ya. I’m so blessed, I had my list of all the features I wanted and I got all that and MORE. This is the biggest purchase I’ve made… ever, lol. It felt so good getting to buy myself something so nice. Especially after working so hard to get a good job and save save save. 

In short, life is wonderful but chaotic in the best way. I’ve checked off two big goals for the year and can’t wait to keep going. I’m hoping to find a good posting schedule that isn’t too overwhelming with work, so bear with me as I figure this out. 

I hope you all are doing GREAT, and I’m hoping to have another post come out very SOON! If you have any ideas of things you’d like to see please let me know! I’m always looking for inspiration. 

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support!

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