Happy New Year!! | My 2021 Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!! I’m SO ready to begin a new year. 2020 was rough but it taught me a lot. As I was reflecting on 2020 I wanted to make sure I set goals that would challenge me and help me grow without being so big they become unattainable. I’m excited to turn over a new leaf and start working towards these goals.

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Happy New Year everyone!! I’m SO ready to begin a new year. 2020 was rough but it taught me a lot. As I was reflecting on 2020 I wanted to make sure I set goals that would challenge me and help me grow without being so big they become unattainable. I’m excited to turn over a new leaf and start working towards these goals.

The first thing I do when I sit down to write out my goals, is think about what my word of the year will be. This word will be the overarching theme of the year: something I will continuously think about as I work through each individual goal. My word for 2021 is grind. 2020 taught me a lot about patience, resting, and waiting. Now, 2021 will be the year to challenge myself, push, and grind towards the things I want to accomplish.

Now, for all of my resolutions, I’ve separated them into four categories: personal, spiritual, financial, and work/career goals. 


  • Read one chapter/day & one book/month
  • Make bed daily
  • Get in shape!
    • Gym 5x/week, 8,000 steps/day, gallon of water/day, meal prep


  • Read the Bible (cover to cover)
  • 15 min/day study time (reading the Bible/daily devotional)
  • 10 min/day of stillness (prayer/meditation)


  • Buy a new car
  • Pay off ¼ of student loans
  • Create an emergency fund 


  • Get a full-time job at a great company
  • Gain 100 followers on The Variety Files and Youtube

Those are my New Year’s Resolutions! I’ve already been working towards these since the New Year and am eager to continue. Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated throughout the year. In my planner, every three months, I scheduled a “Quarterly Goal Check-In.” This will be a reminder for me to sit down and reflect on how I’ve been doing accomplishing these goals and see where I can improve. I’m praying that no matter what this year has in store, it’ll be another great opportunity to better myself.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? What are some ways you plan to hold yourself accountable? 

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

I’ve gotten some new followers in the past couple weeks and thought it would be fun to write a post telling you some fun facts about myself to help you get to know me better.

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Hi friends! 

I’ve gotten some new followers in the past couple weeks and thought it would be fun to write a post telling you some fun facts about myself to help you get to know me better. 

I love posts like these, and was looking forward to writing this, because there’s so many fun things about people you don’t usually learn from a couple encounters.

So, let’s get into it…

  1. I’m a Capricorn
    • I was born on January 6th, 1998 
  2. I am a licensed cosmetologist
    • I went to a trade school the last two years of high school, and graduated (in 2016) the same week I went to State Boards and got certified
  3. I graduated from Malone University with a BA in Business and Accounting
    • I also have a minor in Marketing. I graduated this past year in May, but sadly no graduation because of COVID 😦
  4. I can say my ABCs backwards
    • This is my favorite party trick, I think it’s so cool
  5. I love Coca-Cola
    • Enough said
  6. I want Chipotle to sponsor me
    • At one point I ate Chipotle 5x in a week, I love it so much… Sponsor me pls
  7. I don’t have a quiet setting
    • I’m very loud, not in an obnoxious way, I’m just not soft spoken. This 100% comes from my Italian genes
  8. I love to bullet journal
    • I started bullet journaling about 2 years ago and I absolutely love it. It gives me time every month to get both creative and organized 
  9. I was in band in high school
    • Since elementary school I played the flute for concert band and in high school I joined the color guard for marching band. I also learned how to play the marimba senior year
  10. I was President of the Student Body at Malone
    • I was in Student Senate all four years in college, and decided to take a big step and run for Student Body President. Best decision ever- I loved every minute of it

Well, that’s all 10! I hope you guys liked them. Let me know which one was the most surprising and share one of your own!

If you haven’t already: subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll get notified whenever there’s a new post! You can unsubscribe anytime if you ever change your mind. If you have any posts you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let me know through the comments or contact form! 

Love you guys so much, thank you for the support & I’ll see y’all next week. 

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Treat Yourself

I sat in the movie theater, by myself, and had the best time! I loved getting to watch a new movie (this was the first since quarantine began, of course being COVID-friendly) and loved having some quality “me” time, it’s good for the soul!

I don’t know about you, but I love being around people. Whenever I want to try a new restaurant, see a new movie, or a new activity I’d rather do it with people – it’s more fun that way! Since being in Texas, I haven’t made any new friends yet, which isn’t the greatest for an outgoing person like myself. I decided that I want to use this time to challenge myself to do more things alone. That word is so scary – a l o n e. Who likes to be alone? But I knew this would be good for me and push me to be able to try even more things, since I wouldn’t have to wait on anyone else. 

I got an email from AMC Theaters that TENET early access was showing. I love movies, plus I had a giftcard, what a perfect way to ease myself into this new independent life. So I bought my ticket and drove to the movies on a clear Monday afternoon. The best part about this theater is that they serve dinner during the show, two-for-one. I ordered loaded tater tots (YUM) and an Angry Orchard. 

I sat in the movie theater, by myself, and had the best time! I loved getting to watch a new movie (this was the first since quarantine began, of course being COVID-friendly) and loved having some quality “me” time, it’s good for the soul! Honestly, I realized the best date you’ll ever have is yourself. She’ll always pay for your meals, treat you right, and even give ya some compliments, hehe. 

So if you’ve ever been nervous to do something by yourself, speaking from experience, DO IT. Learning to love yourself is so important and this is a great first step. Get all dolled up, pick an activity to do, and take yourself on that date! You deserve it.


I thought a blog would be the perfect hobby for me! Enter “The Variety Files”, which is exactly that – a variety of “files” of everything I have to say about anything.

Hello! My name is Gina, I’m twenty-two and I just graduated from Malone University! I’m originally from Ohio, born and raised, an ESFJ & 2w3. I consider myself a movie buff, with a strong interest in exploring and trying new things, hold friends and family close to my heart, and love love love coffee!

I just recently moved down to Texas. Perfect timing, right in the middle of a pandemic! My dad’s family lives down here, along with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephews. I figured I’d try out the Lone Star life and see if I like it while being able to spend more time with my family. 

So far I love it! It’s a bit difficult because besides family I haven’t made any friends yet. I hope to branch out, though, and meet some awesome people soon! I also think this time will be great for me to learn to become more independent and really focus on me

I’ve been trying to find a new interest to pour myself into. I love making new friends and talking about things I’m doing and am interested in, so I thought a blog would be the perfect hobby for me! Enter “The Variety Files”, which is exactly that – a variety of “files” of everything I have to say about anything.

The topics I’ll write about will include everything! I don’t want a limit on my blog. I’m interested in a variety of things so I figured this can be a lifestyle blog filled with fun little stories about my life, things I’m doing and new adventures I try. Plus I’d love to take suggestions about what you want to read! 

I hope you enjoy The Variety Files as much as I do and please don’t ever be afraid to reach out – we’re all friends here! Make sure you subscribe to get email updates when I post! And feel free to reach out and introduce yourself. Can’t wait to get to know you!

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